3 Success Stories & What They Teach Us


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3 Success Stories and What You Can Learn from Them
With the new year around the corner, you’ll be reviewing how your business did this past year and reflecting on your goals and what you want to achieve in life and in business.

Here are three inspiring examples of those who managed to make it from humble beginnings and what we can all learn from them.

Jan Koum

Koum was born into poverty in a tiny village in Ukraine. After migrating to America with his family as a teenager, Koum became fascinated with computers and eventually began working for Yahoo!

In 2009, he had the foresight to predict the future success of the embryonic mobile app industry, so he founded WhatsApp. By 2014, he’d sold it to Facebook for $19 billion. Koum’s story shows that intelligent forward planning can be the key to reaching your goals.

John Paul DeJoria

DeJoria began his working life moving from low-paid job to low-paid job, from shifts as a janitor to delivering newspapers. Befriending Paul Mitchell while working in hair care, the pair took out a small loan of $700 and founded John Paul Mitchell Systems, now a global conglomerate.

Since then, he has helped to found Patron Sports and is worth over $3.1 billion, proving that strong drive and good friendships can take you farther than you think.

Kevin Plank

Plank was on the edge of going broke when he decided to put his life savings together with a $40,000 advance on a credit card to fund a company selling clothing under his brand, Under Armor.

After making a $17,000 sale to Georgia Tech University, sales to 24 NFL teams followed, and in a few short years, it turned into a multimillion dollar company. Today the company is worth billions. Plank’s journey shows the power of investing in yourself!

How to Win Big in Today’s Economy

The altered economic landscape presents innovative and nimble businesses with opportunities to thrive. Find out how by requesting my free report “How to Win Big in Today’s Economy.”

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5 Reasons to Have Your Business on TikTok
Whenever there’s a new social media app, the question is always – should businesses adopt it? Instagram and Facebook are big must-dos when considering your marketing strategy, but TikTok? Is it worth it? The short answer: yes. TikTok has more than 800 million active users worldwide, and that number only promises to grow. Here are some reasons for your business to give the video giant a second chance.

Video content is king. Video content is addictive for a reason: it works! TikTok is pricing itself to be one of the best platforms for video content, and social media users have even admitted they want to see more video content on other apps. Plus, if you want to get into video but you’re not sure where to start, TikTok has a simple interface to get started.

The audience is massive. We’ve already let on that TikTok has a large audience, and we mean global. The app is used in more than 150 countries. If you’re trying to expand your brand into other countries and continents, you could be reaching them with the right content. TikTok’s audience is also growing by the day.

It has a brand-new advertising platform. TikTok for business means the app is becoming even more brand-friendly. The app has a plethora of different advertising options to use, whether that’s infeed videos, brand takeovers, or hashtag challenges.

A new route for advertising. TikTok is still a relatively new platform, and popular users have millions of worldwide followers. Some major brands are now starting to work with them to increase sales and brand awareness.

Be authentic. Just as with other social media websites, make sure whatever content you put out is true to your business. That also means that if your audience isn’t on TikTok, you probably shouldn’t be either.

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Worth Reading

Introverts, Empaths, & Homebodies: How to Succeed in Business without Changing Who You Are
Marie Forleo
Want to start a business but feel like you’re too shy to have what it takes? In this enlightening video interview with media strategist Angela Chee, Marie Forleo breaks down why it’s okay to be an introvert and still have the brains for business. The entrepreneurial spirit isn’t just a loud one!
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How Remote Work Affects Our Communication and Collaboration
Laura Counts
Greater Good Magazine
We all know the feeling of sitting in a meeting that could have been an email, but sometimes meetings help get work done. In this article, Laura Counts examines how remote working might be pigeonholing staff. It’s not that your team won’t be working just as hard but more that they might not gel as well with each other. What works best for your team? Read the article to get the whole story.
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The Importance of Feedback in Business
The colder months and shorter days signify one thing: it’s nearing the end of the year. Just before you break out the holiday decorations, it’s the perfect time to take a look back, think about what worked, and what could have been better.

If used meaningfully, feedback can be the key to helping your business run smoothly. Feedback isn’t just on the back of a customer service form. It can also come from within the team. Here are some good things feedback does for your business.

Helps avoid mistakes. Sharing little points of feedback often can be the key to stopping a team from derailing. When a group is working on a project together, there can be a lot of misunderstanding and miscommunication. Not only will regular feedback keep the team on track, it will also save you the time and the trouble of having to correct a larger mistake.

Fosters teamwork. Communication is the key to a good relationship, and that’s the same in business. Being honest can be quite a hard pill to swallow, but the more comfortable your teams become with it, the better they will work with others both inside and outside the office.

Helps to motivate. Your team members may be unsure how to ask for help or may feel a little lost, but not to worry. Receiving feedback motivates people! Keep it friendly. The key to constructive feedback is to offer advice, not judgment. Plus, end with encouragement! Hope and guidance will always be a better motivator than fear.

Boosts morale. It’s not all doom and gloom! You should be applauding your staff as well as pointing out any mistakes or places to improve. This in turn creates a better, more well-rounded team.

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Links You Can Use – Feedback
All companies value feedback, whether it’s external, internal, top-down, or passed up. Here are some links to help.

How to Ask for & Actually Get Customer Feedback

We can ask all our customers to leave us feedback, but getting them to do it can be tough. This HubSpot article has some helpful tips to change your luck with that.

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Giving Feedback When You’re Conflict-Averse

Value harmony in the workplace? Feel uncomfortable with confrontation? Being conflict-averse can be difficult when it’s your job to give feedback. This article might help you combat it.

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4 Killer Methods to Collect Employee Feedback

Time to collect your teams’ thoughts after a long year. Unsure where to start? It can be quite difficult to get results. Try these killer methods from inside 6Q.

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Criticism Vs Feedback

Constructive criticism vs. feedback: What’s the difference? Find out in this blog by Sonia Layne-Gartside on LinkedIn.

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How Do You Know if You’re Ready to Expand?
Your customers are happy, the money is rolling in, and sales are up. This is great, isn’t it? Could this be a sign to expand your business? And do you have what it takes? As soon as your business finds a piece of success, it may feel like you’ve made it, but the biggest obstacle to your company growing is actually managing fast growth. It’s good to grow but it’s not always the right move. How can you know when it is?

You’re still on track

Many of us start businesses with our hearts, but you have to run them with your head. When these two major organs align, you know you’re on the right track. It’s also not about reaching the end-point immediately. Building a business takes a lot of work, and you need to make sure you’re still putting that work in.

You’re making money

It might feel like a crude measure of success, but it’s one of the most accurate. If people are actually buying your products or services, you’re doing something right. The key to long-term business success is longevity. Can you keep making a profit?

Your teamwork is off the charts

We all have that friend who wants to go into business, but the real trick is deciphering whether they’ll be a good business partner. If your team is well glued, that’s great, but will you all be able to learn and grow together? Ask yourself this question, and if the answer is yes, it might be time to grow together.

You have a safety net

Approximately 20% of businesses fail in their first year, and that is due in large part to having no safety net. Put a safety fund aside in case you have to take a step back.

You learn how to be steady

Starting a business can be chaotic, but once you know what you’re doing, it’s good to have a foundation to lean on. Can these processes you’ve created work on a larger scale? If the answer is no, think about how you could change that.

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