Best Time to Buy or Sell a House?

SA Realty Watch Group
Keller Williams Realty
210-232-2310 Cell
License # 525639

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Ask the Agent
What Is a Conditional Offer?

A conditional offer is an offer to buy a home that is contingent upon one or more events being finalized before the home can be sold. It requires the buyer or seller, or both, to complete or satisfy one or more conditions prior to a sale successfully closing.

Conditions on the buyer’s side could be the sale of another property, obtaining a loan, or having the home pass a home inspection. While the buyer is using due diligence in a specified amount of time to satisfy any conditions, the seller cannot sell the home to another buyer unless there is an escape clause in the purchase agreement. If there is an escape clause, the seller may tell the buyer that there is another acceptable offer and give the latter a reasonable deadline to satisfy or waive the conditions or else lose the deal.

An offer may also be conditional on seller performance, such as procuring building permits, providing a pest clearance letter/certificate, or making certain repairs.

Is There a Best Time to Buy or Sell a House?
There is not one specific time that is best for buying or selling a home because there are some influencing factors that will determine when it would be right for you. Our job is to keep you informed and up to date on these factors so that you can make the decision that’s best for you.

If you know what the market activity is at any given time, it will dictate when would be the best time to move forward with your planned real estate venture. Supply and demand of homes will influence availability and price. The statistics that we provide you will help you select the right time to buy or sell your home. Here are some useful tips for buyers and sellers.

As a seller, you will want to list your home when available inventory is low so that you can entertain more buyers and be more aggressive with pricing. As a buyer, you will want to shop for a home when there is plenty of inventory to pick from. More homes on the market means you are better able to negotiate the price.

Interest rates will also influence your timing and determine which home you can afford. Low rates allow sellers to be more assertive on pricing because more buyers can qualify to buy their homes.

Buying or selling a home in the late spring or early fall makes a lot of sense, but is not always most advantageous. Sellers have more competition around this time, so consider listing your home during less market activity. If you are a buyer, choosing to shop for a home at a different time means you will have fewer buyers to compete with and yet still be able see a reasonable inventory of homes.

If you are wondering when is the best time for you to buy or sell a home, call or email us, and we’ll update you on the present market activity and how it may affect your timing. We are always here to help.

Are You a First-Time Buyer? Get My Free Guide

Buying your first home is a big step, and one that is likely to impact your financial future for years to come.

Make it easier by requesting my free guide, “How First-Timers Can Make a Wise Buy.”

Just reply to this email and I’ll send it right out to you.

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World’s Largest Open-Air Gallery
Has a Special Mission
With the help of a team of local artists with learning disabilities, a Spanish artist has turned one region’s dull cement silos into stunning works of art. The breathtaking work means the province of Ciudad Real in central Spain now boasts the largest open-air gallery in the world.

The mastermind behind the project is Okuda San Miguel, a painter who has dedicated his artistic career to bringing color into everyday spaces across the globe. His previous works have regularly involved turning drab buildings and bare walls into places of beauty with colorful murals featuring geometric patterns, nature, people, and famous iconography. The colossal scale of his latest work meant it was always destined to be something unique, but as the work began to escalate, the special mission Miguel added to the project brought the entire piece to a whole new level.

In partnership with a local organization working to create jobs for local people with special needs, Miguel assembled a team of artists with learning disabilities to help create the magnificent artworks. His aim was to provide them with a chance to communicate through the medium of painting and visual art, contributing to what he describes as a “universal church” existing for everyone regardless of race, religion, or gender.

The impressive undertaking has grown into a gallery of 10 different cement silos in collaboration with artists of many nationalities, and the next goal of the project is to transform the silos’ empty interiors to match the beauty of the colorful new exteriors.

Let’s Connect

Wondering What’s Happening in
Your Neighborhood?
How has the price of your home changed in today’s market? How much are other homes in your neighborhood selling for? Do I need a house inspection? These are all critical questions that shouldn’t be overlooked when thinking about buying or selling your home.

Whether you’re curious about prices in your area, are wondering whether it’s an excellent time to sell, or just need an expert to answer your questions, I can give you the tools and offer guidance through the entire buying or selling process.

Let me know how I can help by simply calling or emailing to set up a time to connect. I won’t waste your time – I’ll just give you the honest facts about your home, its value, and what’s happening in your neighborhood.

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Garlic Shrimp Zucchini Boats
Serves 4

• 4 large zucchinis, halved lengthwise
• 1 tablespoon olive oil
• 2 tablespoons butter
• 3/4 pound large shrimp, peeled and deveined
• 3 cloves garlic, minced
• 2 tomatoes, chopped
• Juice of 1/2 lemon
• 1/4 cup grated Parmesan
• 1/4 cup heavy cream
• 1 cup shredded mozzarella
Preheat oven to 350°F. Scoop out insides of zucchini to use later. Place zucchini in large baking dish. Drizzle with oil. Season with salt and pepper. Bake for 20 minutes.

Melt butter in large skillet over medium heat. Add shrimp. Season with salt and pepper. Cook 3-4 minutes until cooked through. Remove from heat and chop into bite-size pieces when cool enough to handle. Return to skillet. Stir in reserved zucchini, garlic and tomatoes. Cook until fragrant. Add Parmesan, cream, and lemon juice. Cook for 4 minutes.

Fill boats with shrimp mixture. Sprinkle with mozzarella. Cook until cheese bubbles, then for 10 minutes more.

5 Simple and Inexpensive Ways to Refresh Room Decor
We are enjoying the riot of color and life that is summer in all its glory. Why not let summer be your inspiration and breathe new life into your surroundings? Here are five simple and budget-friendly ways to get the décor ball rolling.

Pep up with paint. A fresh coat of paint can go a long way in sprucing up your space. Perhaps there is an accent wall that could really use a pop of color, or maybe it is time to change the color scheme of a specific room. Either way, a can of paint, a roller, and some old-fashioned elbow grease are all you need.

While you’ve got that paintbrush in your hand … Paint something that you don’t like. That may sound a little odd, but if you have grown a little tired of an old dresser or dining table, you could paint it to give it a new lease on life. Check out YouTube for a smorgasbord of helpful tutorials.

Find your light. You would be surprised just how much the lighting in your home can boost or reduce your mood. Swap out old fixtures or forgo harsh overhead lighting in favor of a smattering of flattering lamps. You could pick up a few bargains online.

Cultivate an indoor jungle. Plants are a great way to add some life to your surroundings. Beyond their aesthetic value, they reduce toxins in the air to improve air quality. Peace lilies, aloe vera, ivy, and rubber plants are all great examples of flora that purify the air.

Unleash your inner artist. Make your wall a canvas and display some eye-catching art. It doesn’t need to break the bank. You could get painting yourself and create tailor-made pieces that fit in with your color scheme.

Are you looking for more ideas to improve your home and increase its value? Be sure to call or email us. We are always here for you and happy to help. We can also refer you to contractors if you are considering more extensive remodeling.

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How to Feel Like You’re on Vacation
in Your Everyday Life
With many of us unable to get away on our normal vacations this year, it’s easy to feel like we’re missing out on some much-needed soul soothing. But why stop yourself from creating that vacation feeling in your everyday life?

Block out days for yourself in advance to specifically have a slow morning, spend time outside, go on an adventure, see friends, and not worry about that shelf you were meaning to put up or that room you were going to paint. While it’s a concept alien to many, actively banning yourself from being “productive” for a day here or there can work wonders for your mental health if planned and done at the right time.

Afford yourself the freedom to care a little less about your appearance and appreciate the liberation of loose clothing. One of the joys of a vacation is that we stop worrying about how smart we look for a few weeks, swapping out proper shoes for flip-flops, busting out the sun dress, and not bothering with makeup routines.

Get to the water! Whether it’s reading by the river, riding a pedal boat on a lake in the park, swimming in the sea, or just setting up a paddling pool in your backyard, everything seems slightly more calming when you’re near water. See if you can make a conscious effort to fit a water-based activity into some of your days off this year.

Eat some exciting food you wouldn’t normally try! A huge part of our time away revolves around the exciting food we get to eat. Obviously, part of that comes from someone else cooking it, but trying something different that looks and tastes beautiful can be hugely rewarding.

This newsletter and any information contained herein are intended for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal, financial or medical advice. The publisher takes great efforts to ensure the accuracy of information contained in this newsletter. However, we will not be responsible at any time for any errors or omissions or any damages, howsoever caused, that result from its use. Seek competent professional advice and/or legal counsel with respect to any matter discussed or published in this newsletter. This newsletter is not intended to solicit properties currently for sale.