Buying a Home? Ask These Questions


SA Realty Watch Group
Keller Williams Realty
210-232-2310 Cell
License # 525639

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Ask the Agent
What Can I Expect from Virtual Tours and Showings?

Virtual tours and showings are a great way to optimize home viewing, but because you are not physically in the space, you need to be aware of their pros and cons first before you schedule one.

A virtual tour guides you through the best features of a home that has been properly staged and groomed with touched-up photos. While it may be good for a first look, it won’t give you a good feel for the actual space or sizes of the rooms or how the home is situated on the property.

Find out exactly what you are seeing and what is not being shown. If the home has a basement, be sure it is included in the tour. Have your agent be your eyes in your absence to check for any defects, such as wall cracks, evidence of past water issues, and any other flaws.

Even though virtual tours may speed up the selection process, you may still want an in-person viewing before making any offers.

Buying a Home? Make Sure You Ask These Questions
It’s always good to be ahead of things, especially when buying a home. If you are, there will be fewer surprises during the first few months after you take possession. Start asking some of these maintenance-related questions so your budget will be better prepared for remedies later.

1. How old is the roof? The age and type of the roof will help determine when you can expect replacement. Asphalt shingles are the most common type of roofing and have an average life of 15 to 20 years. Shake roofs have life expectancies of 20 to 40 years, while metal and concrete tile roofs can last 30 to 50 years.

2. Has there ever been a major plumbing break? It is not uncommon to have a pipe burst or for an old house to have a leak. Water damage can be a costly thing to remedy. If there has been a leak, a mold inspection is recommended.

3. How much is being spent on utilities? Knowing the energy sources and the average monthly utility costs will help you determine if you will need to upgrade to more energy-efficient appliances.

4. What is the capacity of the water heater? You need to know how big the water heater is so your family will have enough hot water at peak times. Water heater sizing guides will help you determine if you have to budget for a larger water heater.

Give me a call, and I will help you communicate with the seller and their neighbors, who will be your best allies in getting the right answers.

Are You a First-Time Buyer? Get My Free Guide

Buying your first home is a big step, and one that is likely to impact your financial future for years to come. Make it easier by requesting my free guide, “How First-Timers Can Make a Wise Buy.”

Just reply to this email and I’ll send it right out to you.

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Organization Sends Love Letters to Strangers Around the World
When Hannah Brencher was struck down by crippling loneliness after moving to New York, little did she know that her coping mechanism would become an international movement spreading joy across the world.

As an outlet to release her emotional tension and fight back against the stress and depression the move had brought on, Brencher began writing love letters and leaving them around the city for strangers to find. She’d leave them in grocery stores, on the subway, and in other public places for anyone to pick up, spreading little bits of joy to those individuals lucky enough to happen across them. Their impact was genuine and meaningful to many of the people who found them: one recipient described riding on the subway, having just discovered her mother had cancer, looking to the side, and finding a letter full of the positivity she needed to carry on.

Four hundred letters and a plethora of grateful recipients later, it was clear that this was becoming bigger than Brencher had ever imagined, and thus, The World Needs More Love Letters was born. Taking requests for handwritten letters to be sent around the world, Brencher’s organization has sent thousands of them to 50 different countries, bringing words of encouragement to those deserving of the love. Recipients range from family members who deserve appreciation, friends in need of a lift, children in hospitals braving their treatment, and more. Through their recent Campus Cursive program, the organization has also sent love letters to more than a hundred college campuses. Truly inspiring as we approach Valentine’s Day.

Let’s Connect

Wondering What’s Happening in Your Neighborhood?
How has the price of your home changed in today’s market? How much are other homes in your neighborhood selling for?

These are all critical questions that shouldn’t be overlooked when thinking about buying or selling your home. Whether you’re curious about prices in your area, whether it’s an excellent time to sell, or just need an expert to answer your questions, I can give you the tools and offer guidance through the entire buying or selling process.

Let me know how I can help by simply giving my office a call at 210-232-2310 to set up a time to connect.

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Gooey Brownies
Yields 9


1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup melted butter
1 tablespoon oil
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 cup flour
1/4 tsp salt (omit if using salted butter)

Preheat oven to 350°F.

Grease 8×8 square pan and set aside.

Combine melted butter, oil, cocoa, and sugar in medium bowl. Stir until sugar is dissolved.

Add eggs one at a time, then add vanilla and stir until well combined.

Stir in flour and salt until fully combined. Do not overmix.

Spread in pan. Bake for 20-22 minutes or until the center is slightly set.

Cool completely. Cut into 9 squares.

15-Minute DIY Home Insulation Projects
Weather need not be your nemesis when it comes to efficiently heating your home. For a few minutes and a few dollars, here are some do-it-yourself home insulation projects that will improve the comfort of your home.

1. Some of the biggest causes of the loss of warm air are gaps around windows and doors. Weather stripping, rope caulk, or foam tape can easily be put around windows or doors to prevent conditioned air from escaping.

2. Appliances and bathrooms that vent to the outside may have air leaks. A simple bead of caulk applied on the outside outer edge of the vent where it meets the wall prevents air loss.

3. Drafts coming from under a door can be quickly remedied by pushing a door snake along the opening under the door. In a pinch, save $20 and use a rolled-up blanket.

4. For an added layer of insulation, apply cold-blocking window film to your windows. You don’t lose any light, and you will reduce heat loss by about 10%.

5. Wrapping your pipes in fiberglass pipe sleeves will keep them from losing heat and aid in preventing burst pipes on extremely cold days. An additional result will be warmer water in your home.

6. An open fireplace can cause a big heating bill. Insert an inflatable fireplace plug into the opening when not in use to keep out cold air and to keep warm air inside.

7. Adding an insulation blanket to an older water heater or one that is located in a cold drafty area will reduce the energy needed to heat water for your home.

Call or email me, and I can help you pinpoint where additional insulation will help reduce your energy usage, making your home more comfortable and saving you money at the same time.

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How to Celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Week
February 17 is International Random Acts of Kindness Day, and for the whole week, people are encouraged to celebrate kindness and reap the scientifically proven positive effects that come from being kind to others.

If you’d like to get involved but need some inspiration for how you can be kind this week, here are a few ideas to get you started.

Do a favor or run an errand for a friend. If you have some free time on your hands but know someone who’s overwhelmed with their own commitments, offer to give them a helping hand and lighten their load.

Surprise someone with a gift. Gifts don’t just have to be for birthdays or Christmas. Think of the joy you feel when your loved ones are opening the perfect presents, then imagine how much better it feels when they weren’t even expecting those gifts in the first place.

Volunteer at a soup kitchen. Helping those members of society most in need is not only rewarding: you can walk away knowing that you’ve made a positive change for people that may not be used to acts of kindness.

Give a compliment to a total stranger. It’s nice to hear compliments, and not everyone is used to hearing them, let alone from strangers. One little compliment could completely change someone’s day for the better, so give it a try.

Give thanks to the people close to you. It’s easy to forget how much we need the people we love and how much they do for us every day. Take time out to actively appreciate and thank your loved ones for helping you be the person you are today.

This newsletter and any information contained herein are intended for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal, financial, or medical advice. The publisher takes great efforts to ensure the accuracy of information contained in this newsletter. However, we will not be responsible at any time for any errors or omissions or any damages, howsoever caused, that result from its use. Seek competent professional advice and/or legal counsel with respect to any matter discussed or published in this newsletter. This newsletter is not intended to solicit properties currently for sale.