Easy Secrets for Success and Happiness

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Overwhelmed? Try These Easy Secrets for
Success and Happiness
The great hamster wheel of life can be exciting, thrilling, and fast-paced. But oftentimes, its relentless rotations can leave us feeling a little dizzy. Senior leadership coach Kristi Hedges believes chronic overwhelm to be one of the greatest challenges we face in the workforce today. When things get overwhelming, here’s how you can boost your productivity, health, and happiness.

Hedges’s Georgetown colleague Scott Eblin published the book Overworked and Overwhelmed, tackling the issue head-on. In it, he maintains the key to being less overwhelmed is to cultivate mindfulness, or “awareness with intention.” Thankfully, you don’t have to make huge moves to start thinking mindfully or to make a difference. Meditation or intentional reflection is a great way to start.

You’ll find it difficult to balance your priorities if you don’t know what they are, so try to get clear on what makes you feel fulfilled. Think about the last time you were truly happy. What were you doing? What do you want to do more of and less of? Outside of work, eating, and sleeping, leisure time can evaporate quickly, so be intentional with how you spend it.

Learning and happiness are closely tied together. Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi coined the term “flow” for the ideal state of learning, where you’re so engaged in an activity that you lose track of time. Happiness is found in these moments of deep engagement.

When you try new things, try not to let perfectionism get in the way, and remember variety is truly the spice of life. Whether learning a new skill or language, meeting new people, or finding new ways to build on old skills, it’s all an opportunity to generate some new energy and avoid burnout.

How to Win Big in Today’s Economy

The altered economic landscape presents innovative and nimble businesses with opportunities to thrive.

Find out how by requesting my free report “How to Win Big in Today’s Economy.”

Just reply to this email and I’ll send it right out to you.

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Is It Time to Bring in a Social Media Expert?
With social media being such a hot topic, sometimes it’s more important to think about when and, even more importantly, why you should bring in a specialist to manage your social media presence. Here are some key indicators it’s time to hire an expert.

To reach a goal. The top mistake organizations make is engaging in social media “just to do it.” Without a defined goal within your social media presence, not only do you waste your organization’s time and money, you also confuse your customers about what to expect from their online interactions with your brand. Set your intentions: do it to carve out your presence in the market, do it to sell a product, do it to grow your bottom line.

To go from “metrics” to “results.” The ultimate goal of any marketing budget is to attract, build, convert, and retain customers. Remember that your goal is not to be the “most popular” online; it is ultimately to create sales. Make sure that whoever is hired to manage your social media can clearly lay out the pathway toward ROI. While key performance indicators (KPIs), like “impressions,” are clues to being on the right path, leads and sales conversions that directly increase ROI matter most.

To have a bigger vision. It’s easy to get lost in the world of social media jargon, but don’t let a fancy presentation fool you. Pay for someone who can go beyond simple post management to define a bigger strategy and clearly detail plans that directly relate to your unique industry, business model, and greater revenue goals.

To amplify your efforts. Social media is just one touchpoint in the long chain of marketing, sales, and brand communication. Having a clear-cut brand and growth strategy woven into all business operations is paramount to enabling a social media expert to successfully assist you along the way.

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Worth Reading

A Framework for
Creating a Smart
Brand Strategy
Your brand is more than a logo: it is an entire system of how customers, employees, and ecosystems perceive and experience your business. Brand strategy creates a strong framework for all of the elements that come along with your brand, from design to communication to corporate culture. This comprehensive guide will help to lead you through the baseline elements, showcasing how to structure a powerhouse brand and create the basis for a solid and seamless growth strategy.
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A Newbie’s Guide to
CRM Software
By Lidiya Kesarovska
Let’s Reach Success
With all of the options out there, selecting
the right customer relationship management (CRM) system for your business can feel like an overwhelming task. Understanding all of
the aspects CRM software can automate and improve within your business is key to seeing it as a powerful tool and ally. From workflow automation to better efficiencies through analytics to how proper implementation easily lends itself to increased ROI, here’s a high-level overview of all a CRM system can offer.
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Apps to Build a Great Company Culture
with a Remote Team
Many workplaces started out being required to operate remotely due to the pandemic and are now implementing a more permanent flexible office policy. Remote work impacts the creation and upkeep of corporate culture, making for new challenges with employee morale.

Your team’s culture acts as a guidepost. It sets the tone of workflow, decisions, and behaviors, and it provides clarity in times of change, making for smoother transitions. Here are some tools to master the art of remote work culture.

Discover. To find what makes your team’s culture unique, peel away elements solely attached to desks and lunchrooms. What bonds your team together? What similar values and attitudes are shared? With this, remember to clarify the greater vision and strategic purpose your team provides to the organization.

Communicate. Keeping the team up to date and in sync with each other is critical to maintaining culture and flow. Some of the most popular options, Slack and Monday, are great tools to bring your team together in one place.

Connect. Take every chance to foster and celebrate collaboration and teamwork. Apps like Nectar, Assembly, and Fond help to reinforce great teamwork, easily automating and giving a boost to morale and socially recognizing contributors for their everyday excellence.

Engage. Especially key to maintaining employee engagement levels, the camaraderie created within a corporate culture also helps to remedy the loneliness that comes with remote, isolated work. Fun team-building apps like those on QuizBreaker, Go Game and Let’s Roam allow teams to play and further develop rapport even at a distance.

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Links You Can Use – Market Research
Market research is an invaluable and inextricable part of business planning. From startup to the next fiscal year, here are some resources to kick-start efforts.

Market Research Is the
Foundation of a Successful
Small Business

From the start of your business plan to daily operations and future growth, discover why market research is the lynchpin in a successful venture.

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How to Conduct Thorough
Market Research for your
Startup or Small Business

One of the best in the business,
here is Salesforce’s guide to
comprehensive and methodical
market research.

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How to Do
Market Research:
A Guide and

With the understanding of all market research entails, learn how this research will trickle into your daily operations and customer interactions.

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Research for Small
Business: 8 Affordable
Market Research

The market research process doesn’t
have to cost a fortune. Here are ideas
for how to affordably go about the

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Here Are 5 Ways to Attract Better Clients
Equally as important as attracting new clients, improving the quality of clients along the way is critical to quelling growing pains as your business expands. “Difficult” or “problem” clients can eat up your company’s resources, creating tight deadlines, high demands, bottlenecks to cash flows and ultimately more stress than they’re worth. Here are five steps to attracting better clients that grow alongside your business.

Define them. Attracting better clients first requires getting clear with yourself. Who is your ideal client, and what does the working relationship look and feel like? For most, better clients will be easier to work with, more satisfied with the value your product or service provides, create a steady stream of business, and boost your bottom line with consistent cash flow.

Find them. It takes some detective work to seek out these ideal clients. Think about their habits and online behaviors to form a marketing presence where they naturally flock. Surveying your current ideal clientele is an excellent method to do your homework. Remember, attracting better clients takes an active and decisive effort on all fronts.

Interest them. A reworked value proposition could be just the key to attracting better clients on both a micro and macro level in the marketplace. Getting down to a simple impactful message is no easy task: it takes time getting to know your business better, providing a unique value and promise to a specific market segment, and building social proof to back up your words.

Value them. Take the extra time to get to know your ideal client’s business before coming in for the pitch. Good clients are highly sought after; set your business apart from the crowd. Showcase your professionalism, understanding of their business model, and previous work within their industry to display how they can expect the same successful results you’ve previously achieved.

Ask for them. Your current clients are an excellent untapped resource. You can begin your quest to attract better clients today by asking for a customer testimonial or referral. This doesn’t have to be a time-consuming effort; a few emails to clients with whom you have good relationships is an excellent start.

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