Instant Home Makeover on a Low Budget


SA Realty Watch Group
Keller Williams Realty
210-232-2310 Cell
License # 525639

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Ask the Agent
What Can I Expect during a Home Inspection?

Before you close on your home purchase, you will likely hire a home inspector, who will identify any items that affect the integrity of the house. Upon reviewing any seller disclosures, the home inspector will proceed with an inspection to identify visual defects, suggest remedies for those problem areas, and create a report with photos to summarize all that has been discovered.

It is recommended that you and your agent attend the two-to-three-hour inspection so you can better understand what the inspector discovers. The inspector will assess the property from top to bottom and from the interior functions to the exterior finishes. Outside structures and drainage will also be evaluated. For items that may be out of the scope of the inspector’s expertise, such as swimming pools or structural defects, you will be referred to specialists trained in those areas. For additional costs, the home inspector can also check for pests and hazards such as lead paint, asbestos, mold, or radon.

Your home inspection report enables you to negotiate with the seller on health- and safety-related repairs.

Give Your Home an Instant Makeover with
These Low-Budget Ideas
If you feel like it’s time to freshen up your home, there are some simple no-cost makeovers you can do.

Before you add anything new, remove clutter and clean out closets. You may find something hidden away that can change the look of your décor. A deep cleaning will brighten up hard surfaces and light fixtures. Even a good vacuuming of your rugs will brighten your spaces (as well as your attitude).

Take any leftover paint from your garage and touch up scratches. See if any walls could “pop” by being painted with an accent color with the paint you have.

Simply rearranging furniture can create positive results in how you feel about your interior spaces. You might remove pieces to have a more spacious look. If you are rearranging furniture, then keep the momentum going and move your accessories around. It can be as easy as changing the look of your bookshelves by repositioning books and bringing décor from another room to fill the spaces. Moving your pictures and photos around will also freshen your look. Adding plants will bring new life and color to any room.

Your windows and lighting sources also provide ways to change your living spaces. Since light opens up space, consider how the window coverings are letting in light. Clean the windows and watch things brighten up. Moving lamps around can also enhance your interior.

Give us a call and we will help you take the guesswork out of what changes will make you feel better about your home.

Thinking of Buying a Home? Get My Free Guide

Buying a home is a complex process with many factors to consider. Prepare for the decisions you’ll need to make along the way by requesting my free report, “10 Easy Steps to Buying a Home.”

Just reply to this email and I’ll send it right out to you.

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Carbon-Neutral Airships: A New Way to Travel
In humanity’s quest to reduce carbon emissions and lessen our footprint on the environment, a fantastic breakthrough has been made in the UK with the advent of the world’s first carbon-neutral airship.

HAV (Hybrid Air Vehicles) is a British blimp-making company working on creating sustainable air travel for the future, decarbonizing one of the biggest polluting industries on the planet. Their latest invention is Airlander 10, a prototype airship that can travel 460 miles using a mixture of electricity and combustion. HAV says their new ship will reduce the average carbon dioxide emissions per customer by up to 75 percent and are aiming to have a fleet operational for short-haul flights by 2025.

The initial routes they are looking to offer include flights between Vancouver and Seattle, from England to Northern Ireland and from Barcelona to Spain’s Balearic Islands. Furthermore, by 2030, HAV hopes to have a completely zero-emissions fleet, switching to all-electric airships and removing the element of combustion.

After six test flights yielded a high success rate, the Airlander 10 prototype is now officially certified to fly in the UK, and the company hopes to have three ready for service by 2025. From there onwards, they hope to build 10 new airships per year.

With the climate emergency as present as it’s ever been in the public consciousness, this is a breakthrough that will give genuine hope to many, paving the way for an optimistic future for a sustainable air travel industry.

Let’s Connect

Wondering What’s Happening in
Your Neighborhood?
How has the price of your home changed in today’s market? How much are other homes in your neighborhood selling for? Do I need a house inspection? These are all critical questions that shouldn’t be overlooked when thinking about buying or selling your home.

Whether you’re curious about prices in your area, whether it’s an excellent time to sell, or just need an expert to answer your questions, I can give you the tools and offer guidance through the entire buying or selling process.

Let me know how I can help by simply calling or emailing to set up a time to connect. I won’t waste your time – I’ll just give you the honest facts about your home, its value, and what’s happening in your neighborhood.

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Grape & Goat Cheese Stuffed Sweet Potato
Serves 4


4 sweet potatoes
2 cups seedless red grapes
1 teaspoon grapeseed oil
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
4 ounces goat cheese
Pinch of cinnamon and nutmeg
2 tablespoons honey + extra for drizzling

Preheat oven to 425oF. Line baking sheet with parchment paper. With a fork, poke holes in sweet potatoes. Bake until tender, 45-50 minutes. Split the tops open. Let cool.

Raise oven temperature to 450oF. Lay grapes on baking sheet, add oil, a pinch of salt and pepper and toss to coat. Roast until grapes begin to burst, 20-25 minutes. Remove from oven. Let cool.

When sweet potatoes are cool enough to handle, scoop out flesh with spoon, keeping potato intact. In large bowl, mash sweet potato flesh, 3 ounces goat cheese, cinnamon, nutmeg, salt, pepper, and honey. Scoop flesh back into potato skins. Warm up potatoes if needed, then top with remaining goat cheese. Add grapes, drizzle with honey, and serve.

What You Need to Know about Selling Your Home “As Is”
Before you sell your home “as is,” you need to take a moment to understand what “as is” means so you can decide if it’s right for you. An as is sale means that you are selling your home in its present condition, good or bad, and that you don’t intend to make any repairs or provide any warranties. You will still have to provide state-mandated disclosures.

In a seller’s market, you have a better chance of attracting buyers who will accept your home as is due to the low supply and high demand for affordable homes. Fixer-uppers have greater success selling in a seller’s market, despite selling at a reduced price. You will likely sell your home for less when you save repair costs, but you can still enjoy some profit when you close.

An as is sale usually moves along faster because your responsibility is limited to putting the house on the market without having to do staging or obtaining pre-sale inspections.

There are probably more cons than these pros when you sell as is. The biggest negative is having to sell your home for less than market price to offset what a buyer will expect to have to remedy.

Another significant obstacle is the lack of confidence that buyers have in trusting the property disclosures in an as is sale, making it difficult to get strong selling prices. There are a limited number of buyers who are willing to buy homes in as is condition if there are a lot of repairs needed. Additionally, as an as is seller, you need to have well-honed negotiating skills because experienced house flippers will negotiate hard to get the lowest price possible.

Our experienced team has worked with all types of home sales, and we invite you to contact us so we can take you down the path of marketing that works best for you.

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4 Tips to Not Taking Things Personally
We’ve all had moments when someone has been critical or rude to us, either in conversation or the way they’ve acted. It’s not nice when it happens, and it’s easy to think the person in question might have something against you. In the quest for self-compassion, though, it’s important to remember that this isn’t always the case, and you don’t need to take someone else’s behavior as a reflection of your own self-worth. Here are four tips on not taking things personally.

1. Appreciate that there could be other factors at play. If someone has a stressful day, they’ll find it more difficult to put on a friendly, upbeat front around others. Or, if someone doesn’t respond to a text, they may just be busy with things like childcare or work. It doesn’t mean they’re ignoring you!

2. Consider times when outside influences made you act similarly. Be aware of the fact that you’ve probably acted the same way with others during difficult times. You know you didn’t mean to upset the other people in those situations, so when it happens the other way around, put yourself in their shoes.

3. Think constructively about any criticism and understand that it doesn’t define you. Rationally decide whether you believe the criticism to be true and, if so, look at how you can take the comment constructively and learn from the situation.

4. Remember that self-worth comes from within, not from what others think of you. If we define our self-esteem based on how we think others perceive us, we’ll never feel truly happy. Understand that sometimes you can’t please everyone, so don’t allow those moments to make you reflect negatively on yourself.

This newsletter and any information contained herein are intended for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal, financial or medical advice. The publisher takes great efforts to ensure the accuracy of information contained in this newsletter. However, we will not be responsible at any time for any errors or omissions or any damages, howsoever caused, that result from its use. Seek competent professional advice and/or legal counsel with respect to any matter discussed or published in this newsletter. This newsletter is not intended to solicit properties currently for sale.