Look Out for Home Inspection Red Flags


SA Realty Watch Group
Keller Williams Realty
210-232-2310 Cell
License # 525639

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What Are Tenants in Common?

“Tenants in common” is one of several ways to take title to a property when more than one person is to be on the title. It is a legal arrangement between two or more people, each with an ownership interest in a property. Even though the percentage of ownership can be different between owners, title taken as tenants in common gives each tenant an undivided and equal use of the property.

When title is taken in this manner, each tenant can separately bequeath his ownership to anyone at any time. If a tenant in common dies, that ownership interest automatically becomes an asset of that tenant’s estate. In order for the property to be sold, there must be a consensus to do so from all tenants on the title. When it’s sold, each tenant in common will walk away with a share that is equal to his or her percentage of ownership interest.

Look Out for These Home Inspection Red Flags
A home purchase is likely the biggest investment you will ever make. To protect your investment and your personal health and safety, you want to be aware of red flags that could signal significant problems with the home that you wish to buy.

Structural red flags are the most serious because they threaten the integrity of the home. Look for large basement floor cracks and bumps. Doors and windows that are out of alignment, along with steps that have separated from the foundation, are all indications of settling of the home.

Mold-related issues are often detected in older homes with deferred maintenance and may not have easy fixes. Keep an eye out for patches of black mold in the house as well as any mold-related odor, unventilated bathrooms, or bubbled paint.

Even an untrained eye can uncover red flags associated with destructive pests. Powdery residue around wood elements, grinding sounds, and hollow areas in floors and walls are indicators of wood-destroying pests. Droppings and bug body parts are also signs of insect infestation.

Defective roofing can present you with several threats to a home’s integrity. Beware of a roof that is over 20 years old and displays cracked and missing shingles or has evidence of previous repairs. Once inside the home, keep an eye on the ceiling, where there may be staining or patchy paint.

Our team will help point out red flags like these so your home-buying process will result in fewer risks to your health, safety, and bank account.

Are You a First Time Buyer? Get My Free Guide

Buying your first home is a big step, and one that is likely to impact your financial future for years to come.

Make it easier by requesting my free guide, “How First-Timers Can Make a Wise Buy.”

Just reply to this email and I’ll send it right out to you.

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Meeting Change and Uncertainty with Ease and Skill
If there’s anything that 2020 taught us, it’s that change and uncertainty are part of the very foundations of life. One thing that is certain, however, is that we all go through these times of upheaval at some point. Often, we’re told by loved ones to “be strong” or that we’ll “get through this,” but how do we practically achieve this?

The answer is resilience. It’s the ability to bounce back and successfully recover from trauma or painful experiences, and it can do a lot to make life a little easier, especially if you make a concerted effort to build up your reserves.

According to psychotherapist Joshua Miles, resilience is important for several reasons. Not only does it enable us to develop protection mechanisms, but it also helps us maintain balance by improving learning skills, increasing physical health, and boosting the immune system.

There are several ways you can work on developing your resilience. Start with making small lifestyle changes that feed positively into your mental well-being. This can take the form of meditation, walking, listening to music, developing your hobbies, and making time for family and friends. Practice being straightforward and assertive with others. If unreasonable demands are made of you, be prepared to say how you feel. It’s okay to say no.

Look after your physical health by developing regular sleeping patterns, exercising, and eating a healthy, balanced diet. Lastly, be less hard on yourself and celebrate your wins. If you don’t achieve what you aim for, forgive yourself. Remember that resilience is about dusting yourself off and trying again.

Let’s Connect

Wondering What’s Happening in
Your Neighborhood?
How has the price of your home changed in today’s market? How much are other homes in your neighborhood selling for? Do I need a house inspection? These are all critical questions that shouldn’t be overlooked when thinking about buying or selling your home.

Whether you’re curious about prices in your area, whether it’s an excellent time to sell, or just need an expert to answer your questions, I can give you the tools and offer guidance through the entire buying or selling process.

Let me know how I can help by simply calling or emailing to set up a time to connect. I won’t waste your time – I’ll just give you the honest facts about your home, its value, and what’s happening in your neighborhood.

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Heart Ice Cream Sandwiches
The flavors and decoration choices for these are endless. Get creative! Super easy and fun to make, kids can join in too.

Yields 6

• 12 cookies (from scratch or ready-made)
• tub of slightly softened ice cream
• decorations of choice in shallow containers (such as red and white sprinkles, heart sprinkles, chopped nuts or chocolate chips)
Using a heart cookie cutter, carefully cut out heart shapes from cookies.

Place 6 cookies on parchment paper.

For each heart, first place a mini scoop of ice cream onto each round part of the heart and then one mini scoop on the bottom section of the heart. Squish ice cream down and together a bit to fill in heart completely. Place another heart cookie on top. Make sure it is securely stuck down so it doesn’t slide around.

Dip sandwich in sprinkles and gently roll around until ice cream is covered. Place in freezer-safe container with parchment paper in freezer to set. Repeat for each heart. If you need to layer them, parchment paper in between stops them from sticking together.

Tips for Budgeting and Saving for a
House Down Payment
Prior to buying a home, you need to assess the amount and source of your down payment funds and check in with a lender of choice to determine what kind of loan is best for you. You should work on getting your credit score as high as possible and create a reasonable budget so you can save for the needed down payment funds.

There are down payment assistance programs that will help keep the size of your down payment to only 3.5 percent of the purchase price. In some cases, with lender-required education, there may be no down payment required.

Plan on buying a home that fits your savings plan of an amount equal to 3.5 percent of the price. You can always move up to a larger home later as your equity grows.

It is not uncommon for all or part of a down payment to be gifted from a family member. This option may allow you to buy a home sooner than expected because your funds are immediately available.

To help save money to buy a home, have your bank set up an automated transfer of at least 10 percent from every paycheck to a separate account that is reserved for your down payment funds. Have your budgeting plan include reducing some of your more luxurious indulgences. Eat out less often, shop for more affordable getaways, and evaluate how much you are spending on items you could really live without.

If you can find a way to increase your income, even if only temporarily, your down payment fund will grow even more quickly. You may have a hobby that could be a marketable commodity, or freelancing your skills could supplement your income.

Reach out to learn how you can put yourself in the best possible position to purchase a home.

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7 Household Hacks to Make Your Life Easier
Coming up on March 17 is the anniversary of the 1845 invention of the humble rubber band, an often-unsung hero of our day-to-day lives. Able to bind bank notes, letters, newspapers, and herbs together, they also give jars of preserved food an airtight seal and can even be found as the mounting for hard drives in computer housing. Inspired by its ubiquitous usefulness, here are seven household hacks featuring versatile items that’ll make your life easier.

Don’t cry over spilled paint. Stop paint from running down the can by placing a heavy rubber band around the vertical height of the can. This way, you can wipe off excess paint without making a mess.

Keep the tape rolling. Slip a rubber band over the “ears” of your tape dispenser. Because the tape doesn’t stick to rubber, it keeps the end from falling through the slot and back onto the roll.

Give garden gloves a go. Pop on a pair of cotton garden gloves, and voila! You’ve turned your fingers into gentle cleaning tools for dust-gathering knickknacks.

Flexible coffee filters. Another dust buster is the coffee filter. The thin, cloth-like paper can easily clean your monitor or TV screen.

Clean your keys. Easily remove dirty marks from your computer keyboard with a standard eraser.

Let the music play on. If you want to listen to music but your Bluetooth speaker’s died, put your phone in a drinking glass or bowl to boost the volume level.

The old wooden spoon trick. This one is an oldie but a goodie. Put a wooden spoon over the top of your pot to keep it from boiling over. It pops the bubbles and keeps it from overflowing.

This newsletter and any information contained herein are intended for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal, financial or medical advice. The publisher takes great efforts to ensure the accuracy of information contained in this newsletter. However, we will not be responsible at any time for any errors or omissions or any damages, howsoever caused, that result from its use. Seek competent professional advice and/or legal counsel with respect to any matter discussed or published in this newsletter. This newsletter is not intended to solicit properties currently for sale.