Smart Home Security Systems: A Super Smart Idea

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SA Realty Watch Group
Keller Williams Legacy
210-232-2310 Cell
License # 525639

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Ask the Agent
How Long Does the Home-Selling Process Take?

The average time it takes to sell a home is 50-90 days. Many factors affect how long it takes to sell a home. These elements can include market conditions, buyer financing, the time of year, and the prep time to get a home ready for marketing.

A home that is in good condition, has good curb appeal, and is in a good location will attract buyers more quickly. Competitively pricing a home is key to having a reasonable time on the market. A cash buyer and one who is willing to buy a home in as-is condition can expedite the closing time.

Once an offer is accepted, the average closing time will be 30 to 45 days. The buyer’s loan is processed during this time along with the lender obtaining an appraisal. Property inspections also occur during the closing process.

The title or closing company will then coordinate the signing of all the final documents, collect the buyer’s closing funds and finalize the settlement statements so the transaction can close.

Smart Home Security Systems: A Super Smart Idea
Using a smart home security system can help to give you the much-needed peace of mind that you, your home, and your belongings are as safely protected as they could possibly be. It actually has an added benefit, though: a smart security system will add value to your home and lower your insurance premiums. Read on for a few examples of smart security systems you should consider installing.

Smart locks. Controlled via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth from an app on your phone, a smart door lock cannot be picked by trespassers, can notify you any time it is opened and gives you efficient levels of control—for example, being able to give out virtual keys to visitors or family members.

Doorbell cameras. A video doorbell streams live to your phone, and the recording can be saved, meaning that whether you’re home or not, you can see who’s at the door. A further bonus is that it can detect motion to activate, helping to deter criminals from stealing from your porch.

In-house motion sensor. A motion sensor inside your house will detect any movement in its path and can trigger a number of actions, from alerting you to intruders to turning your lights on or off or controlling your smart speaker or TV. It’s affordable, can be installed pretty much anywhere and can even help save energy by setting it to turn off lights and gadgets when no one is around.

To discuss which smart home devices will help beef up security as well as add value when selling your home, call or email me today.

Thinking of Buying a Home? Get My Free Guide

Buying a home is a complex process with many factors to consider. Prepare for the decisions you’ll need to make along the way by requesting my free report, “10 Easy Steps to Buying a Home.”

Just reply to this email and I’ll send it right out to you.

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Turning Litter into Environmentally Friendly Gold
Indian eco-warrior Naman Gupta has made over a million dollars since 2016 through recycling littered cigarette butts into organic compost, mosquito repellent, and even toys.

The 26-year-old from Uttar Pradesh in Northern India became inspired to make a difference after witnessing the enormous pile of cigarette butts left on the ground after a party. This in turn led him to consider just how many of these litter the streets all over the world, and he pledged not only to work on cleaning up the waste but also to turn the rubbish into something useful.

During his time at Delhi University, he began researching the environmental impact of discarded cigarettes, the world’s most littered objects. He found that the plastic in the filters can take decades to degrade and forms toxic microplastics in doing so, causing harm to soil, plant life, and marine ecosystems.

Fast-forward to today, and Gupta has recycled more than 300 million discarded cigarettes. His company, Code Effort, has installed specialized bins in cities for people to drop their cigarette butts into, collecting them to be recycled into a range of items.

Code Effort splits the butts into three separate parts: the filter, the tobacco and the paper. The filter is shredded and treated, then turned into soft stuffing to make things such as cushions and cuddly toys. The tobacco and paper are both recycled into compost or mosquito repellent, and even the wastewater produced as a byproduct of the process is reused.

Let’s Connect

Wondering What’s Happening in Your Neighborhood?
How has the price of your home changed in today’s market? How much are other homes in your neighborhood selling for?

These are all critical questions that shouldn’t be overlooked when thinking about buying or selling your home. Whether you’re curious about prices in your area, whether it’s an excellent time to sell, or just need an expert to answer your questions, I can give you the tools and offer guidance through the entire buying or selling process.

Let me know how I can help by simply giving my office a call at 210-232-2310 to set up a time to connect.

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Grape & Goat Cheese Stuffed Sweet Potato
Serves 4


4 sweet potatoes
2 cups seedless red grapes
1 teaspoon grapeseed oil
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
4 ounces goat cheese
Pinch of cinnamon and nutmeg
2 tablespoons honey + extra for drizzling

Preheat oven to 425˚F. Line baking sheet with parchment paper. With a fork, poke holes in sweet potatoes. Bake until tender, 45-50 minutes. Split the tops open. Let cool.

Raise oven temperature to 450˚F. Lay grapes on baking sheet, add oil, a pinch of salt and pepper and toss to coat. Roast until grapes begin to burst, 20-25 minutes. Remove from oven. Let cool.

When sweet potatoes are cool enough to handle, scoop out flesh with spoon, keeping potato skin intact. In large bowl, mash sweet potato flesh, 3 ounces goat cheese, cinnamon, nutmeg, salt, pepper, and honey. Scoop potato flesh mixture back into potato skins. Warm up potatoes if needed, then top with remaining goat cheese. Add grapes, drizzle with honey, and serve.

How to Lower Utility Bills without Overhauling Your Lifestyle
With many of us feeling the squeeze of a higher cost of living, you may be looking for a few ways to lower your utility bills that won’t involve a complete change of lifestyle. Fear not, we’ve got you covered. Here are just a few simple ideas to reduce your utility costs.

Switch your switches to dimmers. We don’t always need our lights on full brightness, so using a dimmer switch instead can help save on electricity by only using as much light as you need.

Fill your freezer. You may not expect this, but having a full freezer actually helps to insulate it, keeping your food cool while using less energy to do so.

Let food cool before refrigerating. If you’re saving leftovers from your dinner, putting them in the refrigerator while they’re still warm actually causes the fridge to have to work harder to cool them down. Let them cool first.

Unplug unused chargers. Did you know that many phone and laptop chargers continue to suck electricity even when your phone isn’t connected? Make sure to unplug any that you aren’t using.

Use solar night lights outdoors. Solar night lights spend the day soaking up the sun’s energy then turn on in the evening when it’s dark. It saves the need for any electricity or batteries and is totally green, helping the environment and your wallet.

Lower your hot water heater temperature. Do you really need the hot water to be totally boiling? You can turn the temperature down so that your water is only as warm as you need it to be.

Cold wash your laundry. Most laundry washes are just as thorough when washed cold. Switch your machine settings to cold washes rather than hot to save unnecessary extra spending on heating the water.

Call or email me for more tips that can both save you money on your utility bill and add value to your home.

5 Tips to Turn You into the Perfect Plant Parent
Nowadays, cultivating your inner urban jungle is a sought-after skill, but those of us who weren’t born with green thumbs can be left looking at a dead cactus wondering, “Where did I go wrong?” Fortunately, we’ve compiled a list of tricks to ease you into being the best plant parent in the nursery.

1. Don’t discard the plastic pot! While not the nicest to look at, these little plastic pots serve an important purpose. If you want to display your plant in that new terracotta pot, try cache potting, putting the plastic pot into the decorative one. This way, your plant will have water flow and be easy to move when the time comes.

2. Create a diverse environment. The same way a forest works best with a mixture of plants, so does your living room. Feel free to mix and match your greens. They’ll help each other grow, and the array of texture will make you look like an expert.

3. Do your research. By this, we mean discover which of your plants prefer direct sunlight and which ones would rather be left alone in the bathroom, which ones want water and which ones prefer a light misting. By organizing your plants in the right place, they’ll be much more low-maintenance.

4. Think vertically. If you don’t have horizontal space to spare, consider making use of your walls and ceilings. Vertical trailing plants can add visual interest and even act like curtains if you need to control light. You can also hang plants from the ceiling or other vertical spots like beams and curtain rods.

5. Don’t care too much. Not all plants need intense watering every day. If you follow the advice of the tip above, you’ll be able to leave your plants alone to grow. Yes, you really can!

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