Successful Eco-Friendly Businesses


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Successful Businesses Built on Eco-Friendly Ideas
With Earth Day on April 22, this is when the global community reflects and takes stock of the issues faced by our environment, with people working to spread awareness and encourage a move towards sustainability. This goes not just for the individual but also for businesses and corporations, with a real push for organizations to become more eco-friendly. With that in mind, here are four businesses completely built upon eco-friendly ideas. And they’re all female led!

Agathos Athleisure. This company was founded by fashion entrepreneur Samantha Martin, who started the brand after discovering the devastating toll the fashion industry is having on the environment through textile waste, ocean pollution, and poor factory conditions for workers. Agathos Athleisure works to make sustainably made clothing more readily available to the average consumer and encourages customers to be more conscious of where their money goes.

Tree. This company creates furniture made entirely from recycled materials sourced from partners and individuals in Asia and the United States with whom founder Nicole Wakley has formed personal relationships over the years. Today the company earns millions and employs dozens of staff, showing that eco-friendly businesses can be just as profitable as any.

EarthKind. Another multimillion-dollar earning venture, EarthKind creates pest control products for rodents, cockroaches, and other pests made from completely natural ingredients, eliminating the need for toxic pesticides. Since it was launched by Kari Warberg Block in 2007, the company has sold tens of millions of products and in 2017 brought in over $10,000,000.

Local Office Landscape and Urban Design. Rising sea levels are an issue that tragically cannot be reversed in the short term, leaving many coastal areas in danger of sinking into the ocean within 25 years. Architect Jennifer Bolstad is using her skills to help protect vulnerable populated areas, starting with Rockaway Beach, New York, which could be consumed by the Atlantic Ocean in the coming decades.

How to Win Big in Today’s Economy

The altered economic landscape presents innovative and nimble businesses with opportunities to thrive. Find out how by requesting my free report “How to Win Big in Today’s Economy.”

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An Introduction to WiFi Marketing
If you have a physical brick-and-mortar storefront business, you may have already heard of WiFi marketing. In case you haven’t, WiFi marketing is a useful tool often used by stores and cafes, where they offer free internet in exchange for a survey and/or details from their customers. It sounds simple, and while it is, it’s also a very handy tool that can be used to develop a customer profile. Here’s more information to get your business started.

Increase customer satisfaction

We’ve all been there, in the middle of a shopping trip and we’re unable to access our own data. We look for a WiFi connection on the off chance, and lo and behold, there it is, open and free in exchange for a small form. Bingo. Not only is your customer satisfied, but it may allow them to stay in your store for longer.

More likely to spend

Not only are they able to access things like banking apps quicker, but they’re also saving on data that may subconsciously nudge them to shop more.

Gains valuable insights

By asking your customers a series of questions, you can determine the kind of customers who are coming to your store. By saving the data (with permission, of course), you can also determine if they are return customers or one-offs and figure out how this affects your business.

Email marketing

Of course, one of the main checkboxes you can add to your complimentary WiFi is the accepted email marketing preference. Before you know it, you’ll have a long list of potential customers to advertise to when they’ve already returned home.

So how to get started? The first step is choosing a reliable (and fast) provider. First, choose a credible ISP, then the plan that works for your business, and don’t forget to encrypt!

Let’s Connect

Worth Reading

The Founder’s Zodiac: 5 Personality Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs
Dayna Winter
The zodiac doesn’t just need to explain personality. According to Shopify, it can also explain the habits of business owners. This helpful article breaks down the habits of the millions of business owners who use Shopify and explains how to identify yourself as well as your clients. Are you a firestarter? Outsider? Mountaineer? Find out here.
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30 Amazing Journal Prompts for Entrepreneurs
Melissa Giroux
Nomad Life 101
Journaling is a useful practice that many use to help organize their thoughts and feelings as well as decipher strategies. Decided it’s time to start journaling but not sure where to start? This article from Nomad Life 101 is filled with prompt ideas tailored to business owners and managers to help get you going without the fear of looking at a blank page.
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Tips for Improving Your Business’s Recycling Program
Going green isn’t just a fad, it’s a necessity! And now businesses are starting to realize they need to start implementing recycling policies that work. If your business is having trouble getting your employees to comply, here are some tips that can help make the process a lot smoother.

Location, location, location
It sounds simple, but finding the right place to put the recycling can really make a difference. Your employees might not be utilizing the recycling system because they don’t know where it is. Where is best to put them? Ask your workforce! And remember, when it comes to recycling, more is more.

Learn what you can recycle
Most recycling problems come from a lack of knowledge. Which plastics can be recycled? Can you recycle items with food residue on them? Does your local council collect? All these questions need to be answered. Perhaps you can make a day of it, ask your team to think of questions they may have, to research the answers, and then share their findings with the team.

Run recycling challenges
One way to get your workforce enthused about recycling is to have a goal at the end of it! The greenest department could win something like a night out or a voucher for a movie or a good book. Make sure your prize doesn’t overrule the challenge, though.

Buy recycled goods
Recycling works both ways. Ask your office manager to research the best recycled supplies and switch out for the greener option wherever possible. Set a good example.

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Links You Can Use – Client Interaction
Have trouble dealing with a difficult client? Or maybe you’re a start-up trying to land your first big one. Either way, here are some resources you can use to step up your game.

A Field Guide to The Wonderful World of Clients

This delightful infographic gives you a guide to navigating difficult clients, from “everything is an emergency” to “not sure what we’re looking for.” Easy to read and digest!

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17 Types of Clients and How To Work With Each

All clients are different. The trick is learning how to deal with each one! This Indeed article spells it out so that you can understand your clients a little better.

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47 Pro Tips on How to Talk to Customers

Are you or your workforce having trouble navigating conversations with your customers? Use this handy article to sort that out.

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How to Deal With a Difficult (or Angry) Customer: 16 Tips

We never want to reach the point where our client is angry, but it can happen. These tips from HubSpot could help straighten that out.

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5 Virtual Volunteering Opportunities for Entrepreneurs
Volunteering is great for many reasons. Not only does it help out your local or larger community, but you’re also swapping your time for knowledge, expertise, and opportunity. Volunteering is a great way to put your skills to good use, and the good news is your skills don’t have to be physical. There are many new interesting opportunities to volunteer virtually using your smartphone, computer, or other technology to help out charitable causes that need you. Here is a helpful list of virtual volunteering opportunities perfect for the entrepreneur.

American Red Cross (ARC)

Become a digital advocate for the ARC. Help generate donations for the charity online, either through shopping or setting up fundraisers. This position requires a bit of creative thinking and a good network, which is perfect for those with a talent for networking. More:


Help to create jobs in communities where they need it most with Bpeace. This charity actively recruits business professional volunteers to team up with entrepreneurs in countries emerging from war to help create employment for those who need it most. Use your business skills to help others shine as part of Bpeace’s community. More:

Grow Movement

If you’re a business consultant looking to use your extra time for something meaningful, you can work with Grow to help mentor and empower entrepreneurs looking for guidance and advice in Uganda, Rwanda, and Malawi. Not only will you help them grow their businesses with the ease of a Zoom call, but you’ll find yourself growing as well. More:

Resolution Project

If you’re looking for a way to become a mentor for the next generation of young leaders but are unable to travel far or at all, the Resolution Project might just be for you. The project is in need of “resolution guides” to virtually mentor their undergraduate fellows. More:


Become a part of America’s biggest network of free business mentoring and education. Get involved by becoming a volunteer and answering questions about your expertise for their database. More:

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