The Benefits of Having a LEED Certified Home


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SA Realty Watch Group
Keller Williams Legacy
210-232-2310 Cell
License # 525639

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Ask the Agent
What Is a Comparative Market Analysis (CMA)?

A real estate agent prepares a comparative market analysis (CMA) report for a buyer or seller to determine the estimated value of a home. The report evaluates three or more sold properties that most closely proximate the characteristics of the home that is being valued

Homes that have sold within the past six months will contribute to giving the best estimate of value. The sold comparable properties (comps) should be similar to the subject home in age, size, location, quality, and amenities. Since no two homes are identical, the agent will make value adjustments to the differing characteristics to make the comps more on par with the subject. The final values will be averaged to arrive at an estimate of value for the subject home.

CMAs help sellers determine the listing price of their home. An agent for a buyer can help ensure that a buyer makes a competitive bid on a property by preparing a CMA for the home they wish to buy.

The Benefits of Having a LEED Certified Home
If you’re interested in making your home more environmentally friendly, LEED is an acronym you’ll most certainly want to be aware of. Standing for “Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design,” it’s the U.S. Green Building Council’s rating system developed to measure and promote green residential building.

The system emphasizes a building’s energy and water efficiency, improved indoor air quality, lowered carbon emissions, use of natural resources, and even the environmental and social impact of its location. It also promotes the use of non-toxic materials, proper ventilation, and moisture control, creating a healthier living environment for residents.

Achieving LEED certification involves accumulating points based on sustainable features, and following LEED guidelines during construction or renovation offers significant benefits beyond just the certificate. By ensuring proper insulation, efficient energy use, and reduced water consumption, homeowners experience long-term cost savings and lessen their environmental impact.

LEED certification is also beneficial if you’re looking to sell. LEED certification enhances a home’s marketability in an increasingly eco-conscious era, making it even more attractive to potential buyers interested in eco-friendly homes. Potential buyers are drawn to the idea of energy-efficient green living spaces, making LEED certification a unique selling proposition.

Going green with LEED not only benefits the planet but also creates a more sustainable, comfortable, and marketable home for you and your family. If you need a guide to help you decide whether to get certified or not, call or email me today for some advice. I’m always here for you.

Here’s How to Cultivate Your Creativity
January is International Creativity Month, a time we collectively acknowledge those who work in creative industries and how various creative infrastructures foster new ideas for the betterment of all. It’s also a chance to ignite the latent creativity within. Here are a few tips to help get that fire burning.

Before picking up a paintbrush or pencil, you may need to break out of a fixed pattern of not believing you’re capable of creating in the first place. Replace close-ended statements such as “I can’t” or “I don’t know” with “I have what it takes” and “There’s always a way.” These creative mantras will allow inspiration to bubble up to the surface naturally and spontaneously.

Finding a creative outlet may seem like a daunting task, but it’s as simple as opening a box of crayons and sitting down with a coloring book. Give yourself permission to play rather than focusing on the discovery of talent or the pressure of the perfect end result. Enjoy the process of self-expression and its stress-relieving benefits. You may need to explore a few different techniques before you find one that suits you, so don’t go overboard buying the latest kit or supplies.

Remember that creativity isn’t confined to the fine arts. It can be anything that excites you, invigorates you, or offers you a simple moment of joy. Beyond painting and writing, a whole world of creative pursuits exists. You could knit while watching old movies, get groovy during an online dance class, or cook up a storm in the kitchen. Be kind to yourself when things don’t go to plan. In the wise words of Bob Ross, celebrate the “happy little accidents” that occur as you navigate the lifelong journey of inspiration.

Let’s Connect

Wondering What’s Happening in Your Neighborhood?
How has the price of your home changed in today’s market? How much are other homes in your neighborhood selling for?

These are all critical questions that shouldn’t be overlooked when thinking about buying or selling your home. Whether you’re curious about prices in your area, whether it’s an excellent time to sell, or just need an expert to answer your questions, I can give you the tools and offer guidance through the entire buying or selling process.

Let me know how I can help by simply giving my office a call at 210-232-2310 to set up a time to connect.

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Maple Cinnamon Apple Sweet Potatoes
Apples, sweet potatoes, maple syrup, and warm spices are the perfect flavors to keep you cozy this winter. This super simple and hearty side dish is a breeze to prepare and will have your kitchen smelling oh so delicious!

Serves 6


2 large apples, diced medium
2 large sweet potatoes, diced medium
1 tablespoon olive oil
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
2 tablespoons pure maple syrup

Preheat oven to 400˚ F.

Combine the apples, sweet potatoes, olive oil, cinnamon, and nutmeg in a large bowl.

Toss well to coat the apples and sweet potatoes with the oil and spices. On a large baking sheet, spread in an even layer.

Bake for 25 to 30 minutes or until the sweet potatoes and apples are tender. Remove from oven and drizzle with maple syrup. Serve hot.

How to Make Your Home Nice and Cozy This Winter
As the winter chill descends and the days get ever shorter, ensuring your home is a cozy haven is crucial, both for your well-being and, if you’re looking to sell, its appeal to potential buyers. To get your house feeling lovely and snug during these cold months, consider some of these simple suggestions to really maximize its warmth.

Brighten up the space. Making sure your light fittings and bulbs are properly cleaned can instantly elevate your home’s brightness, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere without the need for additional lighting.

Seal the gaps. Combating the cold isn’t just about turning the heating up; it’s also about keeping the warmth in. Seal gaps around windows, doors, and other spaces to prevent chilly drafts from infiltrating your space. Lighting a candle and checking the flame’s movement can help identify where they’re coming from.

Plant power. Having houseplants around not only adds a touch of nature but also helps to purify the air by absorbing toxic vapors emitted by cleaning products or paints. Certain indoor plants are particularly good for this, so choosing the right ones can elevate both your home’s air quality and its aesthetic appeal.

Maximize natural light. Cleaning your glass not only invites more warmth from the sun during daylight hours, but it also boosts mood by allowing more natural light, promoting our bodies’ natural melatonin processes. Open curtains and let the sunshine in to bring a positive ambience.

Consider adding interior windows. There may be inner rooms in your house that are away from outside light and are thus naturally dark. If you have one such dark room adjacent to a naturally lit space, this DIY solution will allow natural light to permeate into the room, creating a warmer and more inviting atmosphere with less need for artificial lighting.

If you’re selling your home and want its coziness to really shine through, call or email me for some free and low-cost ideas.

New Year, New You! Let’s Get Organized
Clutter happens. Over the years of parties, personal changes of style, and the incredible bargain deals you’ve uncovered, “stuff” just ends up building up. Here’s a beginning guide to help you kick-start your clutter-clearing efforts. Let’s make 2024 the year of organization.

Plates and Platters. Clear the cupboards. Take it all out. How much space are your serving dishes occupying? It’s time to “dish it” to the dishes and donate.

Vases. That one cabinet, usually located above your refrigerator or microwave. How many vases have you stockpiled over the years that you actually use? And how frequently? If you haven’t found a use in the last two years, it’s time to let that treasured vase become someone else’s pride and joy.

Spices and specials. Old spices lose their potency over time. Toss any ground spices older than two years and dried herbs older than three. Specialty ingredients from unique recipes can lose their potency even faster; inquire if someone else can use it while it’s still fresh.

Container clutter. Containers without lids. Lids without containers. Expensive storage cartons from the Container Store that now stack up and steal valuable space in the garage. If your previous organization method didn’t work out the way you’d planned, your neighbors will be delighted to receive your leftovers.

Gadget knickknacks. Those one-trick wonders that were intended to solve one specific problem. If you haven’t frequently utilized the “as seen on TV” gadget you purchased years ago, it’s time to let it go.

Bubble boxes. Save space by throwing out the cardboard boxes that keep many of your store-bought “crunchables” safe from demolition. Instead, use prelabeled containers that cut down on the extra cushion space to open up a world of possibilities in your cupboards.

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