Try These to Get the Most out of Your Day


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Try These Strategies to Get the Most Out of Your Day
We may live in a world with very few certainties, but something we can count on is that every day has 24 hours. Instead of wishing you had more time, step up and carpe those precious diems with these strategies from global CEO coach Alisa Cohn.

Cohn takes a leaf out of Jeff Bezos’s book when it comes to tackling timely decision-making. In his 2017 annual report, Bezos conceded that most decisions should be made with 70 percent of the information you wish you had. Being slow with decision-making may actually hinder your company more than making the wrong call.

Help your company or startup move faster and practice making small decisions on incomplete data while allowing for course correction if you make incorrect choices. Research also supports you are perceived as a more effective leader if you make quicker decisions.

Preparation is key to ensuring a successful business, and Cohn emphasizes how important it is to be prepared for difficult moments. If you think about your forthcoming calls and meetings for the week, you’ll be able to identify and predict any possible challenging interactions and systematically plan your response, allowing for constructive progress.

Lastly, Cohn stresses the importance of the prioritization of high-value, long-term goals, even when you’re dealing with endless emails or other minutiae. Try to schedule a specific time in your calendar for deep-thinking projects and plan exactly what you’ll do in those sessions. The seeds you plant now will yield results if you keep watering and tending to them.

How to Win Big in Today’s Economy

The altered economic landscape presents innovative and nimble businesses with opportunities to thrive.

Find out how by requesting my free report “How to Win Big in Today’s Economy” by replying to this email.

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Grill Like a Pro with These Tips from Master Chefs
Summertime and the grilling is easy! We may be getting ready to say goodbye to the sunny season, but brilliant barbecues and colorful cookouts are still on the menu. Up your grill game and boost your cookery confidence with these glorious grilling tips and tricks from Cordon Bleu Master Chefs.

1. Utilize the heat. Direct heat is better for small pieces that cook quickly (e.g., chicken, shellfish, steaks, veggies, and fish fillets). Indirect heat, or the heat that comes from the unlit part of the fire, works better for tougher foods that need longer, slower cooking, such as ribs or a whole chicken.

2. Build flavor from the coals up. Add a little smoky flavor to your food by incorporating oak, hickory wood, or other food-safe tree cuttings. Just remember: wood burns quicker than coal!

3. Match your marinade. Try to create a marinade that complements the flavor and toughness/tenderness of your chosen protein. A big cut of meat can handle up to 12 hours soaking in a marinade, while fish only needs half an hour.

4. Master grill marks. Improve your presentation and use the quadriller technique to make a crisscross pattern. All you need is a properly heated grill and to turn your piece of meat only four times, each time changing the direction, resulting in pleasing diamond grill marks.

5. Toast your success with a glass of perfectly paired wine. Salty sauces cry out for wines with high acidities, such as Bordeaux or Burgundy, while sweeter marinades pair well with slightly sweeter wines, such as Riesling or Prosecco.

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Worth Reading

6 Ways to Make Coworking with Your Significant Other More Manageable
By Kelsey Mulvey
Coupled and coworking. That might sound like the newest reality TV show, but it has become the “new normal” for most people in recent months. Relevant for those in relationships or those with roommates, this article discusses healthy practices that can help prevent “working from home” from turning into “holy acrimony.”
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5 Steps to Take
After Experiencing
By Heather Wilde
Entrepreneurship comes with its inherent risks and pitfalls. How does one maintain a “success mindset” when faced with the worst of nightmares? In this article, Wilde discusses the key mindset elements that kept her mentally and emotionally pushing forward to stay afloat in the midst of a business meltdown.
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Handling Pressure: Lessons from an Olympic Coach
Olympic-level athletes work their way to the podium thanks to years of physical training, but world-leading peak performance psychologist Dr. Don Greene knows exactly what it takes to keep their minds in top shape, too.

Whether it’s nailing an investor pitch or preparing for a speaking engagement, Greene’s tried and tested methods can help you handle high pressure situations in your work life too.

Greene begins by getting his clients to raise their heart rates and take part in vigorous activities like jumping jacks before undertaking practice runs without stopping. By learning to loosen up before each practice, you’ll be able to train yourself to keep a similar sense of calm when you need it most.

He also highlights a key difference between “practicing practice” and “practicing performing,” the former being the mechanics of learning something and the latter being a nonstop run-through that simulates the adrenaline you’ll no doubt feel.

In the same vein, treat adrenaline like an old friend and harness it. If you’re doing something you care about, adrenaline will surely show up, so there’s no point in trying to bottle up nervous energy. It will simply hamper your performance.

Perfection is the enemy of progress. Greene advises to strive for excellence and not perfection, as the obsessive tendencies that arise can become crippling.

He urges clients to try not to fixate on things outside of their control, and, once it’s all over, to celebrate all the things they did well, too!

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Growing Your Business – Customer Service
Often the “unsung hero,” customer service is at the core of every business growth model. Here are some resources to help your organization tap into the value your customer service team provides:

15 Customer Service Strategies To Help You Deliver A 5-Star Experience

Strategies to help you develop
a 5-star customer experience that’s
designed to usher customers
alongside your goals.

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Training New
Employees with Customer
Service in Mind

Branding is everything. That starts with each and every employee in the training process. Learn how to cultivate a culture of customer service.

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7 Steps To Creating A Customer Service Strategy

Customer service is a mindset. Find out how to develop a winning vision and the strategies to get the right team members on board.

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How Can Customer Support Help Upsell and Cross-Sell?

Here’s the 411 on how customer service teams can have your back to help keep you in the black through cross- and upselling.

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4 Ways to Keep Your Remote Team Engaged
Caught in between the push and pull of emerging employee expectations and health regulations, this era has seen the rise of remote teams. More imperative than ever, leaders are swiftly shifting gears toward a new code of operating to maintain a performance-driven culture while keeping telecommuters engaged in the greater team. Here are a few tips that will help you not only to meet this new challenge, but also to thrive in it:

Discover the “black holes.” Remote teams provide an excellent opportunity to develop perfected operational procedures. Uncover redundant processes. Unweave overlaps in communication. Create a functional, adaptable map that illustrates who touches each step in current processes. Empower each employee with a personal connection to how your business flows.

Focus on value creation. Keeping top players presents an extra challenge in remote environments. Valuing each individual’s unique motivational drivers is paramount. Free up funds to hire outside agencies to help fill in the gaps and pinpoint the key incentives for retaining gold-star employees.

Create a virtual culture. Most organizations underestimate the value of camaraderie and creating a combined culture within a unit. Face-to-face time with team members can be an extremely powerful tool for fueling commitment levels and team momentum.

A popular virtual option to help create and foster relationships: corporate happy hour.

In one-to-one meetings, remember to leave space for being an ear and a friend. A simple, genuine curiosity in asking “What’s the biggest challenge you’re facing working from home?” encourages an environment of solidarity that creates higher engagement levels.

In-office reintegration. For those comfortable working from home, going “into the office” can
quickly become a stressful occasion. This can be especially true for high achievers and performers who are often routine-driven personas.

Clearly communicate the vision moving forward with a list of the return-to-office expectations (or “office hours” guidelines for new hires) and a preplanned reintegration schedule. Be mindful of increasing levels of flexibility as teams ease back into being away from their families, pets, and homes for several hours per day.

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